Farsight Media
Words that work
FARSIGHT MEDIA is a UK-based copywriting agency, offering a broad range of copywriting and editorial services.
We specialise in copywriting that works, that develops your brand and helps it to grow (as well as making you look and sound terrific). We’ll do it quickly, effectively, on time and on budget. We’ll help your brand stand out in today’s tough climate, and we won’t waste your time with pretty words that say nothing.
Barclays Wealth
We wrote a series of video scripts, letters and other collateral aimed at IFAs to promote finance products and services.
We created documentation to help explain to senior DWP staff the implications and benefits of the department’s ongoing digital transformation.
O2 Business
Farsight’s Dave Oliver spent three years embedded as O2 Business’s senior copywriter and tone of voice consultant.

We reorganised, wrote and updated the technical documentation for Unilever’s creative agencies to enable them to build websites in AEM digital platforms.
Make your content a priority.
We certainly will.
Clients past and present
Active clients
Written articles (at least!)
Cups of coffee (give or take)
Increase conversion rates
Copy that informs, that convinces, and eventually persuades, is what we do. And if there’s room for a bit of entertainment there too, then so much the better.

Reduce bounce rate
Bounce happens when readers haven’t found what they’re looking for. Our copy is designed to entice and intrigue, to increase dwell time and reduce your overall bounce rate.
Drive more traffic
We can help you develop your content, your strategy and your SEO to drive more visitors to your site and give them what they’re looking for – so they’ll keep coming back.

Sometimes we write about writing
The dark art of ‘coffee copy’
Are you a copywriter struggling to find the perfect words to captivate your audience, engage hungry minds or just sell some stuff?
Is the apostrophe good for business?
When North Yorkshire Council announced that it was dropping the apostrophe from many of its street signs recently, a little bit of the soul of a million pedants died. Well, perhaps not quite a million, but certainly an awful lot to judge by the acres of press coverage...
You might suffer from textitis – and not even know it
With over 900 candidates applying for a single job, an application with the words ‘im’, ‘u’, and ‘all so’, instead of ‘I’m’, ‘you’ and ‘also’, will instantly remove any possibility of an interview. Hopes dashed and time wasted.