The dark art of ‘coffee copy’

The dark art of ‘coffee copy’

Are you a copywriter struggling to find the perfect words to captivate your audience, engage hungry minds or just sell some stuff? Look no further than your trusty sidekick: coffee. When you stop to think about it, coffee isn’t just a tasty beverage; it can also...
Is the apostrophe good for business?

Is the apostrophe good for business?

When North Yorkshire Council announced that it was dropping the apostrophe from many of its street signs recently, a little bit of the soul of a million pedants died. Well, perhaps not quite a million, but certainly an awful lot to judge by the acres of press coverage...
Clear beats clever

Clear beats clever

As writers (and inevitably, readers), we’re often tempted to show off our abilities and our strengths. Our deeper understandings and intuitions, not to mention our ability to recognise a bon mot when we see one.  But for the professional copywriter, this is...